Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tips To Reduce Stress

While you may not be able to solve the biggest stressors in your life, you can do something about many of the smaller stressors that "nickel and dime you to death." Here are some proven stress reducers you can implement in daily life to help:

        Get up 15 minutes earlier each morning. That gives you a little more time to eat something, run back to get something you forgot, or enjoy a cup of coffee before heading out the door. If you drive to work, a 15 or 20 minute head start may decrease some of the traffic you face, and make the commute less stressf

           Prepare for mishaps. Make an extra copy of your house key and bury it in your neighbors' yard; make a second copy of your car key and tape it under your coworker's desk. Both may allow you to get home and inside the house if you loose your keys. If you do have to use them, pat yourself on the back for being smart.

          Do something healthy for yourself. That could mean taking the stairs   once a day      instead of the elevator, picking one day a week to have a  salad for lunch, or eating fresh fruit instead of a candy bar. What's the overall effect on your health? Maybe not much, but small steps lead to bigger ones, and doing something simple for your    body is the best way to start.

Tips - Exam Techniques

Tests and exams are a regular part of the school environment. It is important that exams be kept in proportion they are important, but not the end of the world. Some things can be done to make exams a more valuable, worthwhile and less threatening experience for students.

1.    Have all necessary material with you.
You can't borrow items such as pens, pencils, rulers or special equipment while in an examination.

2.      Have a relaxing night before your exams
Have an early night, and try to have a healthy breakfast.

3.      Read the entire paper.
Where you have choices, decide which ones you plan to answer.

1.      Plan your time.
Spend some time drafting a plan for the questions you choose to answer.

2.     Jot down ideas as they come to you.
While you are answering one question, information about another may suddenly occur to you. Jot it down somewhere because when you come to that question perhaps an hour later, you may have forgotten it.

3.      Don't leave any questions unanswered.
If you are short of time, use note form. Remember, you can only be marked on the answers you give.

4.      Never leave the room early.
If you have time at the end, go over your work, add information (eg in the margin). You can't return if you suddenly remember a fact after you have left.

5.      Do not spend too long on multiple choice questions.
With multiple choice questions it is best to cover the answers and work out your own before looking at the choices on paper. If you can't answer the question come back to it later  have a guess.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Zam-Zam molecular water

Calcuim and Magnesuim in zamzam water..
The difference between Zamzam water and other water (city water) was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of these was slightly higher in Zamzam water. This may be why this water refreshes tired hajis.

Flouride in zamzam water..
But more significantly, the water contains fluorides that have an effective germicidal action.

Moreover, the remarks of the European laboratories showed that the water was fit for drinking. Hence the statement made by the Egyptian doctor was proved false. When this was reported to King Faisal he was extremely pleased and ordered the contradiction of the report in the European Press. In a way, it was a blessing that this study was undertaken to show the chemical composition of the water. 

In fact, the more you explore, the more wonders surface and you find yourself believing implicitly in the miracles of this water that Allah Ta'ala bestowed as a gift on the faithful coming from far and wide to the desert land for pilgrimage.

Benefit of the Soya Bean..

Soya is one of the oldest and most nutritious foods in the world. In the 11th century BC it was primarily consumed in Northern China, spreading to the west and the U.S.A. in the middle of the 18th century and only more recently to Europe. Soya is mainly used in industry and for animal feed despite the fact that it is the third most important crop world-wide today and less than 3% is consumed by humans.

Soya has many nutritional advantages as it contains protein, fibre and isoflavones which have positive effects on cholesterol, bone density, menstrual and menopausal symptoms as well as preventing certain cancers. It is thought to be a wonder food by the Chinese who believe it can cure kidney disease, water retention, common colds, anaemia and leg ulcers.
Research studies by Professor Anderson in 1995 resulted in healthy heart claims as Soya was found to reduce blood cholesterol levels in many of his studies. Soya isoflavones combined with soya protein enhance blood cholesterol reductions as well as having a positive effect on menopausal women by reducing the risk of hot flushes. Improved vascular function, reduction of blood pressure, antioxidant protection of LDL cholesterol and inhibition of platelet activation are other known cardiovascular effects of Soya and its constituent isoflavones.

The recommended daily amount of soya protein by the UK Joint Health Claims Initiative in 2002 is 25g as part of a low-fat diet to help reduce cholesterol level. In orser to achieve this RDA of Soya to promote a healthy heart and reduce cholesterol it is necessary to consume three portions of a Soya based food each day. This can be easily achieved by using Soya milk on cereal each morning, adding soya milk to tea and coffee and choosing a dessert made from soya milk eg. custard or fruit smoothies yoghurt etc.,
There are many Soya cookery books available as well as the many recipes containing soya beans and tofu which already exist in Chinese cooking books. If more people included Soya into their daily diet the risk of developing Heart disease would be reduced which would have a significant impact on the incidence of mortality caused by Coronory Heart Disease today.

5 Ways To Train Brain For Peak Performance

In order to stay sharp, it is important that you exercise your brain.  The less we use our minds, the duller they become.  There is a lot of emphasis these days on staying physically healthy, but we should also be concerned for our mental well-being.  Our brains continue to expand and adapt to the stimuli they receive throughout our lives.  The more we take care of our brains, the better thinkers we become.  Here are twenty ways that you can develop a training regimen for your brain!

Read a good book.
Reading a book stimulates the imagination.  Your brain can’t keep from drawing mental pictures when you read.  Reading gets your mind off its butt and to work.  I love to let a book carry me away.  I always have a book that I’m reading and sometimes I have 3 or 4!  I get most of my books from the library to avoid the cost of buying each one.  This also allows me to try a wide variety of books without risk.

Big Brain Academy
Video games have a bad reputation for causing brain rot, but there are some that will actually help you strengthen your mind. It is a collection of brain teasers that tests your mental acuity.  The tests are entertaining and addicting.  You can even compete with others which make for some great family fun.

Practice meditation

Don’t worry, I’m not going off the new age deep-end here.  There are a lot of different forms of meditation.  To me, in its most simple form, meditation is about spending a little time alone to relax and center your thoughts.  It is amazingly therapeutic.

Get plenty of rest
lack of sleep can interfere with your ability to assimilate new information.  This means those all-nighters you pulled back in college were much less effective than you thought.  Your brain needs rest to operate at its peak performance.  This may be why things always seem clearer and brighter after a good night’s sleep